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Life has a way at throwing twists and turns our way at times. Over time, these everyday struggles and lifechanging events can start to pile up. While they can create a lot of stress and uncertainty in our lives, they don’t have to control us. That’s partly because of our resilience! What is resilience, and how can we improve our own resiliency?

Defining Resilience

Resilience is the quality that effectively allows us to get back up after adversity and challenges set us back. It’s no secret that traumatic events or even an accumulation of day-to-day stress can be draining. Rather than letting these difficulties overcome them, resilient individuals are able to adapt, heal and continue moving toward their goals.

4 Tips for Nurturing Resiliency

1. Rely on Connections

Resiliency is a personal trait, but you don’t have to develop it all by yourself. Surrounding yourself with understanding and empathetic people can help us regain our footing after setbacks and develop resiliency.

2. Focus on Personal Wellness

When we’re in our most difficult times, we have a tendency to lose track of self-care and wellness. Pay attention to your sleep schedule, diet and exercise tendencies and see if you can detect any room for improvement. Each of these factors play a legitimate role in reducing the toll of emotions. As you look to further emphasize personal wellness, you may also find that you benefit from practicing mindfulness throughout your day. Journaling, meditation and positive affirmations are great tools we can use to focus on the positives during stressful times.

3. Focus on Perspective Taking

Sometimes, we simply have to realize that certain aspects of life won’t go our way and accept that changing circumstances are part of existence. A conscious effort to keep our difficulties in perspective, grow from previous failures and maintain a positive outlook through it all is sometimes the best way to push through a slump and build resilience.

4. Seek Professional Help

If you have been struggling to build resilience to the point that it is affecting you in everyday life, it may be time to seek some additional guidance from a professional. Clinical psychologists can sit down with you and actively help create a plan forward that suits your specific needs and helps you reach your personal goals.

Improve Your Resiliency with CBT Baltimore

If you are interested in seeking therapy in Baltimore, we’re here to help.

Schedule a session with our staff at your convenience.